CT scan, axial section, showing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and centrilobular emphysema, which are commonly associated with smoking. Seen are multiple devascularized clear spaces. (c) Prof. Michel Brauner

CT scan, axial section, showing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and centrilobular emphysema, which are commonly associated with smoking. Seen are multiple devascularized clear spaces. (c) Prof. Michel Brauner

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Nermin Salkić

Prof.dr.sc. Nermin Salkić je Glavni Urednik i osnivač Portala WebDR. Specijalista je interne medicine i subspecijalista gastroenterohepatologije. Primarno polje interesa su mu bolesti jetre i transplantacija jetre, ultrazvučne metode u gastroenterologiji i hepatologiji, te digestivna endoskopija.